The phrase “acting as your future self” is used often in the personal development space and is a key part of manifesting our goals and dreams.
In manifestation “like attracts like” – so the more we show up as that future version of our self NOW, the faster we will see that dream show up in our reality.
Seems pretty simple, but I see a lot of misconception about this happening. And so as we are about to close one year and enter into a brand new year, with new goals and visions for our life, I thought it would be a great time to dive deeper into this.
First of all – when we say “like attracts like” – how this REALLY works with manifestation is your beliefs and self image (how you see yourself) attract situations with the same beliefs and vibration of that self image.
It’s less about what you are DOING – and more about who you are BEING.
What are your beliefs?
What are your attitudes toward things?
What do you assume to be true?
What are you emotions/thoughts/feelings about something?
How do you see yourself?
You can be taking all the actions “acting as if” – but if the underlying belief systems don’t match up with whatever it is you’re manifesting – it will either not come, or when it does come you will subconsciously push it away.
This is when self sabotage starts to take place.
Someone beliefs don’t match up to whatever it is they’ve received (money, success, peace, love, etc) – so even if they “want” that thing so badly – if their inner beliefs aren’t aligned they will sabotage the situation. This may look like spending all the $ they’ve received, starting fights in a relationship, creating more chaos in their life, etc.
The first step here is to dive into your BELIEFS surrounding whatever your goal is – and then we can get into the “acting as if” actions part of the process.
When it comes to the action part – what “Acting as Your Future Self” does NOT mean is:
- Purchasing things you cannot afford (big one!)
- Thinking you have to have the thing first (car, dream home, income level)
- Bypassing your feelings & emotions
- Taking actions that feel out of alignment
What “Acting as Your Future Self” does actually mean is:
What would someone who already has this be doing to MAINTAIN it?
- Ex: Someone who has a lot of money probably has healthy money management habits.
- Ex: Someone who has a beautiful home is probably taking good care of it and has gratitude toward it.
- Ex: Someone who is really fit and healthy probably eats/exercises in a way that is healthy and manageable to MAINTAIN, which becomes a lifestyle.
What emotions do they feel when you already have it?
- How can you generate those types of emotions NOW.
- Our emotional state will influences the actions we take and the energy we put into those actions.
Notice what emotions and feelings do come up and get curious about them.
- These are usually clues to some underlying beliefs that could be blocking your manifestations.
Check in with your intuition about what actions are right for you to take and WHEN.
- Sometimes it just might not be the right timing to do the things you know you want/need to do.
- It could be possible what the way it happens will look and play out different for you than it did for others.
- Check inward first.
Knowing when to stretch yourself a bit and when to take it slow.
- We will need to be pushed out of our comfort zone in order to evolve and change.
- Avoid taking massive leaps that are so far out there where your self image doesn’t match yet – the dissonance could cause self sabotage
- It’s okay to take it slow and allow your beliefs, self image and nervous system to grow along with your actions

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