You're ready to turn your passion into profit and make an impact in the lives of your clients.

Plus don't forget about all the other benefits of an online BUSINESS ...

The freedom to work whenever and from wherever in the world you want.

The ability to impact more people than you could even imagine. 

The financial security and abundance you can create for yourself and your loved ones.

The pure joy of getting paid to do something you love, every day—and it doesn’t feel like work at all.

The pride you feel when you create a business—and a life—
on your own terms. 

This is exactly why In Flow Design Co. was created - 

 and we can't wait to help you do the same.

In Flow positions women entrepreneurs for smooth-sailing growth and sustainable success by helping them attract attention online. 

Through our design services + marketing courses, you can launch and grow a business in line with your values, big business goals, and particular passions.

What we do

Our clients create businesses that are 





so that they can step into the life they’ve long dreamed of. 

polished, professional, & profitable—

“Hustle” culture?

That’s SO not us!

At In Flow, we believe:

Businesses run best when they’re in alignment with your brilliance.

You don’t have to be great at all.the.things. (including design) to be a kick-a** entrepreneur. That's what we're here for!

Stepping into your own “creative flow” unlocks major confidence, industry-shaking insights, and that incredible feeling that you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be—in business and in life.

Let the good times flow.

Hey Lady! I’m Kristin Richards

I’m the Cali-born, Atlanta-bred, Australia-loving founder of the branding + web design agency In Flow Design Co!

The short version of my story goes like this … I met an Aussie guy, moved to Australia, had a baby, moved back to the states (sigh!)—and now I help other women build businesses and lives on their own terms through gorgeous, strategy-based design. 

The longer version?...

After honing my design eye as an art director for a women’s travel accessories line, I left office life behind to travel more while working remotely. I zigzagged across Europe, hopped over to the Land Down Under with the aforementioned boy, then settled back stateside, and have been exploring ever since.

I launched In Flow in 2018, and since then we have honed in our focus to work with women in 3 key industries: travel, coaching, and interior design. This allows us to know the ins and outs of your business more closely, and design solutions tailor made just for you.

That’s why everything about our process—from our intake questions to our email marketing integration—is designed to specifically help businesses like yours thrive online.

I traded in a 9-to-5 life for the freedom and fulfillment of going my own way.

Meet the Owner










Why In Flow Design Co. Only Works with Women

other than the fact that we're awesome...

Growing up I watched my artist mother go from being a stay-at-home mom to 4 children, to being a single mother. She got a job and went back to school, all while still raising 4 kids pretty much by herself. She had never lived on her own before getting married, but she figured it out on her own along the way and I never heard her complain or saw her break down. Okay, maybe there were a few little breakdowns, but she’s one tough cookie.

Her strength and perseverance taught me to never rely on someone else to create my life or future for me, and I CAN make it happen on my own.

In Flow Design Co.’s mission is to empower other women to be independent, successful, impactful and look pretty damn good online along the way.


You got this girl. See how we can help.

Branding & Showit Websites for Women Who Want

enter for shop & services:

Polished, Professional & Profitable Businesses.

learn & explore: