Why might you be craving more balance?
Typically… it’s because you’re TIRED. Overworked. And under supported.
It may feel like you don’t have enough time to :
- Rest and rejuvenate
- Do other things you enjoy (heaven forbid you have a hobby!)
- Spend quality time with your family or just yourself
- Take a break from work
- Go on vacation without work
- Spend time in open creative space
- Focus on a healthier lifestyle – like fitness and healthy eating
- Or literally just do nothing
Especially as women – we have SO MUCH that’s expected of us in today’s world.
We need to be successful in our business and career, be fit and toned, keep up with the beauty and fashion trends, make sure our home is clean, eat the right foods, take care of our mental health, spend time with friends and family, etc etc.
Then for those of you who are also mothers… it gets even crazier.
Now we’re responsible for the life and well being of these other tiny people!
Making sure they’re healthy, happy, supported, active, off of screens, well mannered, well adjusted, have Pinterest-worthy birthdays etc etc.
It’s no wonder we feel like we’re chasing our tails and trying to hold it all together.
Is this a recurring experience?
Have you been in situations in your past where you find yourself with too much on your plate, overworked, and not enough down time?
If it’s a recurring pattern = there could be potential limiting beliefs inside that are perpetuating the same situation over and over again. After all, our beliefs create our reality.
If this is something you find yourself in over and over again – you want to do DEEPER beyond surface level changes to heal and release these beliefs. Otherwise any changes will be only very temporary, and you could find yourself right back in it again.
You can see this play out where someone who is overworked takes a vacation. They feel amazing on the vacation – but when they return it doesn’t take long to go right back into the same way of working and living.
How do we create those vacay vibes without even having to go on vacation?
How do we relax more and have more time for our life- inside our regular day to day life?
Potential beliefs that could be creating this situation:
- If I say “no” they won’t like me or think I’m rude
- I need their approval to feel validated
- I don’t want to upset or disappoint anyone = feeling responsible for their emotions
- If I turn down this client – there may not be another coming
- I just want everything to be perfect = fearing rejection or criticism
- I have to hustle and work hard to create success
- I need to earn my success
- My work is tied to my value
- I have to be on top of my business at all times otherwise it’ll fall apart
- I should be the one to do _____ for my kids
- I SHOULD be able to do it all
- Comparisonitis and trying to keep up with others
- It’s virtuous for me to sacrifice myself for others
- After I create XYZ in my business, then I can relax more and take a break
Do any of these feel like truth to you?
If you’re having a hard time coming up with them – ask yourself WHY you don’t have more balance right now? Sometimes this gives clues to what’s going on because of things we assume to be true when they are not.
You can unpack each one of these to learn more about yourself, your underlying beliefs, and take action toward releasing and healing them.
Doing this will create much more long lasting change vs. a temporary relief like a vacation.
Needing “balance” is vague. What specifically are you craving right?
- Time alone
- Sleep
- Time for fun and hobbies
- Time with your family
- To feel more calm and relaxed
- To feel more creative and inspired
- All of the above?
Try to get even more specific:
- Alone time – what does that look like?
- How much more sleep?
- What do you like to do for fun?
- What are things you enjoy doing with your family?
- When you’re feeling calm and relaxed – what does that look like?
- When you’re feeling creative and inspired – what does that look like?
Getting specific about your needs and what it actually looks like gives us a much more tangible and achievable goal to create.
Taking Action for Change
Immediate Changes:
- What changes to your schedule can you implement now or soon that would give you more of what you’re wanting?
- Is there anything you can let go of right now to give yourself more open time?
- Is there anything in your business you can outsource more to get back more time?
- Where areas of your life can you ask for more help/support in (free help or paid help)
- How can you incorporate more of what brings you joy into your weekly routines?
- How can you improve your sleep?
- How can you make it easier for yourself to exercise regularly and eat better?
- Can you block out time for a vacation in the upcoming months so you can plan ahead for it?
On Going Changes:
- Having regular awareness about your needs and your mindset
- What are you saying YES to when you really want to say NO?
- Work on shifting limiting beliefs from what’s negatively impacting you – to the beliefs you want to have
- Practically proving your brain wrong (show yourself how the belief is NOT true and what is true instead)
- Subconscious reprogramming (hypnosis, guided meditation, affirmations, etc)
- Working with a coach can be extremely valuable
- How do you turn these changes into automatic on-going routines?

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