While creating and launching the website is a huge accomplishment you should be proud of – this is just step one. Now the marketing adventures really begin with actually getting people there!
Business owners can make the mistake that once their website goes live, people will automatically start coming to it and finding it.
I often hear clients asking about Google, SEO and Ads assuming these are the magic ingredients that will get them found easily and fast online. And before I get into the #1 overlooked secret to getting people on your site – I want to have a little “come to Jesus” moment about these 3 areas.
Being found at the top of google and getting ranked high with your SEO (search engine optimization) TAKES TIME. While it’s very possible these can be major traffic drivers for you – enjoying these benefits are usually the compounded effect of your efforts overtime. Your visibility on search engines will increase overtime with your website being out in the world longer and you adding regular content to your website to show search engines you know what you’re talking about (hello optimized blog posts!).
Yes, you can bring in an SEO specialist to best optimize the crap out of your site – and even they will tell you seeing the results from this still does take some time to grow and get out there into the world.
Did you recently launch your site and you’re wondering why it’s not on the first page on Google when you search for yourself? Same reason! It just takes a little time. And unless you have a business name that is extremely unique, it’s very likely there are other websites out there with similar keywords and combinations of words that have existing on the web longer, and therefore, will come up sooner than you.
SO – how exactly do you get these people to your website sooner than later?!
The #1 overlooked secret – SHARE YOUR WEBSITE!
I know, a crazy concept right?! I’ve seen it many times though where business owners completely neglect their website, never share links to it, never add content to it, and then wonder why no one is coming.
There are lots of ways you can get be sharing your website out into the world, and getting those visitors sooner, without waiting for the search engines to come around for you.
Here are 3 of my top tips for how to share your website online on a regular basis, and get more people to it more often!
#1- Add new content to the blog regularly, and then share those blog post in your marketing and social media
- Adding content to your blog gives you more and more reasons to share your website with others and showcase your expertise, vs. simply bashing them in the face with your services constantly
- Blog content doesn’t have to be the traditional blog posts you’re thinking of. You can and should share all Podcast episodes to your blog, any youtube videos, really anything you can think of!
- Share the links on social media
- Send the latest posts to your email list
- Evergreen content can and should be shared over and over again, not just once!
- Create pins for these posts and share all posts to Pinterest
- If you’re looking for some structure and guidance with what exactly to blog about for your business and how to maximize your efforts, check out my Blogging Blueprint mini course (just $47!)
#2- Share your freebies (or opt-ins) online regularly!
- Not only do your freebies help to build your email list- but once people are on your list you’re then able to being them back to your website through your email marketing
- Your freebies can be shared periodically on social media, linked to from your IG bio, and shared all over Pinterest too
#3- Get your business on Pinterest!
- While Pinterest IS kind of a waiting game as well, the traffic won’t happen immediately. It’s still an awesome platform to boost your website traffic.
- Pinterest has been our #1 website traffic referrer for a very long time, and I don’t see that changing any time soon.
- With Pinterest you can easily schedule your pins ahead of time quickly using a platform like Tailwind, and let it roll.
- Unless other social platforms where you share a post once and its kind of long forgotten, Pinterest pins are shared over and over and gain traction over time.
- If you’re wondering how Pinterest can be best used to benefit your business, and what you could be potentially pinning, check out my Pinterest Boss course (which comes with a bonus set of Pin designs for Canva!)
The Blogging Blueprint
Pinterest Boss

Learn more about me & the biz: https://inflowdesignco.com
Connect on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/girlbossdesigner/
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