Legacy Travel Designs curates extraordinary global journeys of discovery for multigenerational families that deepen bonds, provide a lifetime of priceless memories, and enable parents and grandparents to pass on their explorer’s spirit.
Sandy and Tracy, the owner duo behind Legacy Travel Designs, wanted a brand that feels rich and luxurious – while at the same time welcoming and friendly.
We went with deep jewel tones of wine and teal, and balanced those darker colors with a few light neutrals. We added a pop of copper to their branding to give it a unique touch and texture.
You can check out branding and website by clicking here.

The Legacy Difference, their Genius
They often compare their travel designs to beautiful works of art. Though a painting may be only canvas and pigments, it’s the genius of the painter, the magical technique of the artist that causes you to want to buy the painting. So too it is with their travel designs. The Legacy Travel Designs will transform your vacation, infuse it with life and mold it into a sublime masterpiece.
Are you ready to launch that new business or elevate your current brand/website? Check out our services!
Girlboss Designer specializes in the travel industry and the online coaching industry – all serving women entrepreneurs. CLICK HERE to learn more about our services and how we can help!