As were entering into a whole new year I’ve been reflecting on the previous year and looking ahead at how we will do things differently in 2023. Whenever you are working toward goals and business, or goals in life, it’s important to be conscious of certain patterns and ways of working that are not serving your bigger vision. In today’s episode, I am sharing the changes we are making this year in the Girlboss designer design business as well as Shifts I am making on a personal level.
In the design business, I have actually had a very similar vision for a long time now. The vision itself hasn’t necessarily changed, but what I plan to do differently this year is make sure our decisions and the way that we will prioritize what we’re doing will be feeding into that bigger vision, instead of continuing down the same path and operating in a way that’s just routine.
Personally, I came to create a much more holistic Alignment in my life. After becoming a mom in 2021 and navigating a difficult year last year – I am looking forward to making sure myself becomes more of a priority in key areas throughout my life. Holistic Alignment to me means creating Alignment physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. In this episode a dive into exactly what each of those means for me and how I plan to go about creating this throughout the year.

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