Nancy from The Aries Traveler wanted her brand to have a glamorous yet edgy feel. She was inspired by shades of pink, soft neutrals, and feminine script fonts.
For her brand colors we went with navy, maroon, shades of pink, and creamy neutrals. The navy gives the brand a professional and classy feel. The maroon and pink shades will give the brand a pop of confidence and enhance the feminine feel. The creamy neutrals will balance out the bolder colors and add to the luxury style.
For her brand fonts we went with a handwritten feminine script font and a san serif font with varying thicknesses to give it a more sophisticated and timeless style.
Don’t forget to check out the website reveal here.
You can check out the branding and website by clicking here.

Nancy is a travel nurse by profession and an avid traveler who loves exploring the world with a tripod and camera in hand.
She has traveled extensively throughout the world and a trip to Egypt intensified her love for travel and experiencing new places. She is ready to bring you along with her as you dive deep into history, culture, and experiences like you never imagined.
Are you ready to launch that new business or elevate your current brand/website? Check out our services!
Girlboss Designer specializes in the travel industry and the online coaching industry – all serving women entrepreneurs. CLICK HERE to learn more about our services and how we can help!